Tuesday, October 26, 2004


BlogPsalm 1 can be found here.

BlogPsalm 2

I worship you, Almighty God; there is none like you.
I will sing you praises with my lips;
I will glorify the Lord with exuberant joy and with endless thanksgiving.
As day turns to night, and night back to day,
so will I ever shout the glory of my God.
He leads me along paths of righteousness,
And does not rage when I stumble.
He gently walks beside me, clearing a way for my timid feet.
The Lord is good: his mercies extend for generations.
For generations, his love bursts forth bringining joy and peace and gladness
to those who call upon His name.
For this, your love, your love to me, I can not but sing.
I can not but shout the glories of my God.

BlogPsalm 3

Let the children of the King of Kings rise up in celebration.
Let them sing the praises of their Lord with endlessjubilee.
Rejoice! Be glad! The Almighty is He who saves.
The Almighty One is the lifer of heads,
The healer of hearts,
The mender of brokenness.
He will come and He has come;
His hand is open to all who come.
Let the Glory of the Most High reign!

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