Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ode to Eve

You laugh at the oddest things;
Sometimes I wonder if God cross-wired something in your head
Yet day by day, hour by hour, you continue onward, unimpeded

You have two feet, two arms, two legs.
Because of that, I am certain that you’re human
Yet I get confused why you focus upon things that always seem un-needed

Why is it that when I say one thing,
You think I say another?
Why is it that when you say nothing at all,
I am supposed to understand what goes on in your head?

I really wonder if God messed up this replication;
But He says He’s perfect

I really wonder, then, why He made you the way you are;
I’m told it’s complimentary.

Do you have a manual, or a guidebook anywhere?
Is it coming in the mail?
Back-ordered? Post-dated?

Throw me a bone here, Eve.
I haven’t et the apple yet
So, of knowledge, I haven’t a shred.


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