Sunday, March 18, 2007

My Unhappy Place

A heart drips
Slow passion melts from a frosty core
Extremities flee
Barbarism reigns supreme

Can dogs bite birds long in flight?
Can trees sing when one strums upon their rings?
Does air move by the sighings of love?

In empty brokenness, the cup feels no fullness. Pour in, drizzle out. Pour in, drizzle drizzle.

Apertures provide access, but access provides emptiness, and in the end, an open vessel is an empty one.

Selfish desire makes one complete. Me first mentalities provide much, and often. You get what you want and you want what you have. Nothing lacks; fullness in place, satisfaction established.

What is the point of selflessness? What do you gain? Broken, emptiness. Void. Gaping longings. Dissatisfaction.

Which is better: pain and regret from satisfying those desires gone awry, or perpetual longing to have those desires filled? Which is more consuming and which is more destructive: regret or obsession, pain or emptiness?

Logic states that Jesus is on crack. Reason mandates the adoption of a hedonistic life. Service, humbleness, selflessness and compassion necessarily leave one empty and mangled. They make one unattractive, useless and rejected. There is no point in considering others to be more important when they already believe that they in fact are.

And here we have a contention: Christianity only works when Christians follow Christ. A life of love and communal support will be squashed, trampled and smeared across glass and gravel by any soul who adopts a selfish stance.

Christianity is a pipe dream because people are selfish assholes. Christian community will never truly exist when individuals extort and abuse for personal gain.

So why bother? What is the point? Why care about people who don't recognise that you even exist unless you're stroking their social egos? Why provide love and support to any soul who is bent solely upon consuming--never reciprocating? Where is the justification, where is the reasoning, what is the purpose?


<insert long string of expletives here>

1 comment:

Filth- Man said...

Ahh, you've articulated how every single humanitarian worker in South Africa feels... what's the point in helping people who aren't thankful and crap all over you? (Why install doorknobs in a school where people actively destroy them?) The best answer i can think of is that our own well being, and happinness, just aren't that important in the grand scheme of thigns.

We will have some bitter, cursing-filled stories to share when i get home, i"m sure..,