Thursday, December 14, 2006

Check id Out

Researchers & scientists who support the theory of Intelligent Design (ID) have finally got around to becoming legitimate scientists & researchers. How? Why? You ask. Well, up until recently, ID was a theory that produced no empirically based, scientific research. No lab findings, no supported literature, nothing. All that will soon be changing with a new research facility operating in the Seattle area whose primary mandate is to produce scientific findings which support the theory of ID. Well.... they've got my attention; I don't know about yours.

Check out the NewScientist article on them here.


Filth- Man said...

I suggest reading "Darwin's Black Box", the original ID book. It's interesting because the author is NOT a young-earth creationist... and makes, I think, some good arguments. It includes very technical biochemical description, usually with the suggestion "if you are not a biochemist just glance to note complexity".

Michelle said...


i just had a conversation with a dear cousin about the fact that I don't feel I can trust either side of this debate because they are just too focused on being right that they take shortcuts and lie. It makes me mad.

I hope this is a good step in the right direction

Filth- Man said...

I completely agree with your "shortcuts and lies" comments. I know a fair bit about the debate and it's pretty vicious both ways. Hardly a Christian, or a scientific, way to go about things.

PS I still think "Darwin's Black Box" is pretty good, though I'm sure some pro-evolution biochemists would be happy to point out its flaws.