Hello Blog world.
Yes I am alive, but I have been swamped with busyness for the past 6ish months. Soon... very soon, a new & fresh post will arrive, pregnant with purported profundity.
Wait for it.....
... ... .... Keep waiting. All good things come to those who wait.
Dan you bastard, archive that shit. I'm on a damn fast connection and that was just ridiculous. Good to hear that you are alive and well. Good enough to post anyway. I enjoy you. I finally posted on my blog again so you should check that garbage out. Watch out for the damned cat though. Scary.
Your posts are insanely hard to read sometimes due to my lack of vocabulary, even though today I said I have an awesome one. Have a good day Dan.
Dan, this is your conscience speaking. You have not updated your blog as you promised you would. I know that you are very busy; every is, and we find a way to update our blogs. Except for me. I don't update my blog. But that is in part because I do not have a blog. You do have a blog, but you might as well not have a blog, because your blog has not been updated since September.
It's not enough to have a blog. You gotta feed it. Or else it dies. Ask my Grandma. She died cause nobody would feed her. She'd tell you, you gotta feed it. She won't, of course, tell you that, because she's dead, but she would tell you that. If she were not dead.
You owe us Dan. It better be spectacular.
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