Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A Penchant for… the Undesirable

Hello blog world. I don't talk to people about God in real life because my typical response is that no one either wants to talk about it to me or cares about it in the first place. I talk about God in my blog because I know that people don't have to listen if they don't want to, and it is those who are really interested who actually will go through these weird words of mine. So note, if you ever want to talk about God stuff with me in real life, I'm always in the mood. That being said, I have a question for you, my dedicated (and visiting) readers:

What does God mean to you?

I'd appreciate any sort of response—anonymous or no, I don't care as long as it's a response.



Jacob said...

God means many different things to me, depending on my mood, the time of day, how much trouble I'm in, etc. Generally God to me is the unknowable. Anyone else I either do know to some extent or could if I chose to. God is both unfathomable and aloof, and he is in every way contradictory. He loves us more than I can understand, and yet he causes more pain than anyone else and damns people to hell forever. He paid a great price to have a relationship with me and some whould even say he indwells me, and yet I cannot seem to communicate with him. And so on. God is great; God is terrible.
Perhaps that's not exactly what you mean. What does he mean in terms of my emotions toward him? Intellectually, theoretically I'm grateful to him for what he does for me. But usually my feelings toward him are more in the vein of exasperation, confusion, or anger.

Nathaniel said...

To me God is mostly understanding, i always think that the God that i relate to understands his creation and what is going on in me. So basically i can go to God with my life and say "you know me" and that is comforting. basically God is this thing that is mine and for me and i use it when i want. wow i'm disgusting, i just use God. Maybe that is what he is there for. i guess maybe that isn't selfish, how can you be selfish with god in the picture? Maybe it is that even though God is there he is so belittled that i can still be selfish cause i'm not putting God above me. Good thing God is whatever i make of him. that is so wrong of me. Does God create himself for you? or do you create your God?