Let everything that isn’t
Pure in Your sight Lord Jesus,
Be swept away by Your power, Lord.
I long to stand before You
Dressed in the finest linen;
Holy in purity my God!
Pure & holy, giving glory to the King of kings;
Here before you, I adore You: praises I will bring.—"Pure and Holy," Parachute Band.
Oh Lord, You are good & Your love indeed endures forever. I love You so much that words cannot even begin to express the dimensions and facets and volume of the longing I have to worship, serve, know & be with You.
Father, it has been a very long time since I’ve had the opportunity—and the desire even—to spend as much time with You as I have had in this past month. Thank You so much for the freedom to have access to such a soul-whelming time. Man, God, I’ve forgotten so much of the goodness & the wonder that comes when one is living a life which desires resonance with Your Spirit. It is such a refreshing reminder, Lord, to have my spiritual heart pounding again; to have my spiritual mind woken from its coma & to know that even in my inconstancy, You nevertheless remain the same.
* * *
Those who don’t know You; those who have never experienced the communion that can be had between their souls and the Almighty Creator, who in Himself encompasses all that is Love—Father, those souls I pity, for they have no idea of what they’re missing out on. No idea! The marvellous, transcendent ecstasy that You fill my heart with—indeed, my entire being—as I fall in step with Your Spirit, as I feed my soul on the sustenance of Your Word; as I bend my mind toward You & subjugate my will to Yours... man, God, it is amazing.
Nothing compares; nothing shakes a toothpick at the wondrous fullness of a heart & soul falling into its proper place alongside the Lord of all things. There is no other word; there is nothing that can even come close to such a state. It can only indeed be called Joy.
* * *
I’m utterly crazy about You, God: incomparably head-over-heels in love with You. I couldn’t possibly imagine a better companion, a better Lord, a better Love & Centre of my life. “Amazing” and “awe-inspiring” are nothing more than rotting carcasses when I compare them to You. Nothing is greater & nothing is better. Nothing can possibly compare to the boundless riches available when one truly, completely & unconditionally abandons oneself into the hands of the Almighty. There is no way to even come close to describing accurately the state of one’s soul when in resonant harmony with You.
Amazing Love, how can it be?
That You my King would die for me?
Amazing Love, I know it’s true:
It’s my joy to honour You.
In all I do, I honour You.—"Amazing Love," Chris Tomlin.